

The UBS Y Think Tank is staffed on a rotating basis by individuals from diverse educational and experiential backgrounds including anthropology, history, sociology, industrial design, business etc. Each “generation” brings different insights and expertise to our process, as we map out possible futures together. Our team works at an open coworking office in Zurich which allows us the space and freedom to work individually and collaboratively on self-initiated and emerging questions and paradigms.

Our timeship is value-fuelled and runs on idea oil.

Our engine is built on five characteristics that we are looking for in each of the crew members.

Change-seekers: constantly moving across futures, digging up artefacts
Explorers: ready to inspect any likely and unlikely corner to find novelty
Mind-openers: attaching “no more importance to what is, than to what is not” (R. Musil)
Daredevils: ready to walk away from the safe shores of the present
Challengers: of old models, and established ways

At the moment we are not hiring.